
Survival Commands:

/tpa <username> -Allows you to teleport you to others or let them teleport to you

/tpaaccept  -This accepts a teleport request from a player

/tpadeny  -This denys the teleport request sent by other players

/spawn -Takes you to spawn

/skill -Allows you to see your skill levels

/clan help -Lets you see a list of clan commands

/home <home name> -Teleports you to your home

/sethome <home name> -Sets a home

/delhome <home name> -Removes your set home

/pet -Lets you equip a pet

/booster -Lets you buy/turn on a booster

These enchantments are only custom to the server, and aren't in Vanilla Minecraft.

Petkeeper 1-4 -Gives a 1-4% boost to pet experience.
(Can only be applied to any armour piece)

End affinity 1-4 -Increases damage dealt in the End by 0-60%
(Can only be applied to swords)

Smelting Touch -automatically smelt mine blocks (if smeltable)
(Can only be applied to pickaxes)

Lifesteal 1-5 -Heals 10-50% of damage dealt
(Can only be applied to swords)


Aeon is a cracked Minecraft server, which originally started with only Eaglercraft support. Home to Pitfall, Survival and Practice. We strive to bring new and unique features that were never seen before in other Minecraft servers.